Friday 27 February 2009

Five Things to do in Manchester this Weekend 27/2/08

Rather than spend the weekend in your pyjamas watching England snatch defeat from the jaws of victory against the West Indies, get out and about and try some of the following!

1. Visit the exhibition of ten drawings by Leonardo da Vinci at the Manchester Art Gallery, so that you may talk knowledgeably about art and impress your friends. Free entry.

2. There's only another couple of months to see the Lindow Bog Man at the Manchester Museum, as he packs his suitcase and moves on after April 19th to pastures new. Sensitive souls may find this not to their taste as this well-peserved Iron Age body is unmistakeably human in form. Free entry.

3. Whilst you're near Manchester University, pop into Blackwell's bookshop, pick up some second hand books and pretend you're still a carefree student (unless you are actually a carefree student, in which case you will probably still be in bed anyway).

4. Have a pint across the road in Jabez Clegg and pretend you're still a carefree student, etc.

5. Rumours are that the normally bustling curry houses in Rusholme are starting to feel the pinch, so pop in for a jalfrasi and show your support (and pretend you're still a carefree student, etc etc etc)

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