Monday 10 May 2010

Art, Wine, Amaretto and Wendy...

It is most probably a sign of impending old-age that tonight I am breathing a sigh of relief at the prospect of a night in after three nights out on the bounce; pitiful really, when I think back to my student days and remember that one early night "in the bank" would last for at least a week.

Anyway, my current run of debauchery began on Friday night, with the preview of an art exhibition at the Didsbury Life office on Burton Road in West Didsbury. Don't be fooled by its unassuming facade - ALL sorts go on here, often involving wine. The artist in question, Chaz Newton Smith, was on hand to answer questions about his impressive artwork - huge urban landscapes painted in the splodgy oil style that I am partial to but unsure of the technical name for (feel free to correct me if "splodgy oil" is not the correct terminology). A fine time was had by all and I would have stayed longer, but I had worn foolishly high shoes and frankly once the box of white wine had run out the pain became too much for me.

Saturday night should have been a civilised one - a quiet and refined dinner party at the beautiful home of a classy friend. Unfortunately, we have discovered a new cocktail: Amaretto Mimosa, a jaunty yet lethal combination of Amaretto, orange juice and champagne which can prove disastrous in the house of someone who still has two bottles of Amaretto left over from Christmas. Suffice to say I directed a bemused taxi driver back through Heaton Moor whilst also clutching a slowly disintegrating piece of cheesecake that I had insisted on bearing away with me at the end of the evening.

Sunday saw the 31st-and-a-bit birthday party of the marvellous Crazy Wendy, marked in typically generous Wendy-fashion with a buffet at her restaurant on Burton Road. My love for the super-singing-sequinned diva is no secret, and has been documented in a recent post - although to attempt to describe Wendy using words alone is a futile activity. Last night saw Wendy in thoughtful and dignified mode, restricting herself to just a couple of songs and perfectly happy to share centre stage with Thai dancers and other performers. She seemed to have a throat lurgy remarkably similar to the one I had when I visited last Saturday; I'm sure this is a coincidence and nothing whatsoever to do with me.

So anyway, tonight I am staying in, ready for Folk school tomorrow - and yes, I HAVE already done my homework! Off now to polish and admire halo...

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